Get Involved

Donations to the Second Century Habitat Fund, Inc. enhance our efforts in getting grass seed in the ground to further our mission of restoring and advancing pheasant habitat development for future generations to enjoy the rich outdoor heritage that South Dakota has to offer.
Second Century Habitat Fund, Inc. is a South Dakota, non-profit organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to support Second Century Habitat Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

enroll land
The focus of this program is to enroll marginal cropland such as saline and moist soils, field edges, other less productive soil types or areas producers want to manage as wildlife habitat for 5 or 10 years and seed it to a perennial grass and forb mix that can be hayed and grazed.

Donate at License Purchase
While purchasing your SD hunting or fishing license, you have the opportunity to give to the Second Century Habitat Fund. Your contribution allows us to generate additional funding for habitat development. For your contribution you will receive a habitat window decal to show you are a supporter of habitat.
You may donate to the Second Century Habitat Fund through the SD Game, Fish and Parks licensing system.